Chinese Civil Procuratorial Supervision in Function and Present Situation Angle of View 功能与现状视角中的中国民事检察监督
With the development of socialist market economy, the consummation of civil procuratorial function has more and more become a government-by-law request. 随着社会主义市场经济的发展,完善民事检察职能越来越成为一项法治要求。
Based on the analyses of legal culture, procuratorial power and procuratorial system, the author aims to give an answer to the question in terms of the definition, the structure and the function. 回本文中,笔者继续在“法律文化一检察权一检察制度”等分析进路的基础上,对检察文化的界定、结构与功能问题给予回答。
The study of classified management of procurators has an important role in promoting sustained development, bringing about procuratorial function and securing the implementation of law. 检察人员分类管理研究在促进检察人员可持续发展、实现检察权的职能以及保障法律有效实施方面具有重要的现实意义。
A study on the checking of procuratorial power& from the View of Attribution, Function and Value Orientation of Procuratorial Power; My unceasing optimism, self-determination and ability to set goals have allowed me to achieve academic and personal objectives 论检察权的受制性&以检察权能属性、法治功能和价值目标为视角乐观、坚定、目标明确,这些特性使我能够在学术和和生活中取得成功
Study on Chinese Procuratorial Organs 'Function Extension in Civil Proceedings 我国检察机关在民事诉讼中的职能扩展研究
In addition, a pattern that the procuratorial organ supervises the judicial and administrative function should form to perfect the legal supervision system of the procuratorial organ. 同时形成检察机关对司法、行政执法活动监督的格局,完善检察机关的法律监督体系。
In fact, procuratorial work is a kind of the executive, and that the current procuratorial work must exclude the legal supervision and only assume the indictment function. 我国现行检察权的构成必须排除法律监督权而使检察机关仅承担控诉职能。
Sufficiently Exercise the Procuratorial Function and Control the Commercial Bribery in Accordance with the Law 充分发挥检察职能依法治理商业贿赂
The procuratorial organ should base itself upon procuratorial function, investigate the cases of official crimes, approve to arrest and decide to arrest according to the law, enhance the supervision to procedure, and actively prevent the crimes. 检察机关应立足检察职能,重点查办权钱交易型的商业贿赂案件,依法批捕起诉,强化诉讼监督,积极开展犯罪预防。
Construction of the harmonious society requires procuratorial organ to perform the function according to the new standard. 构建和谐社会对检察机关履行职责提出了新的更高的要求。
The Misplace and Reorientation of the Judicial Explanation On the Reorientation of Chinese Procuratorial Function 审判解释的错位和重新定位司法独立与检察功能的转化
The procuratorial power is used as a national power that litigation point of dispute proceed participant, all countries is in the social function, operation the procedure present many intercommunities with organize in principle. 检察权作为参与诉讼争端的一项国家权力,各国在社会功能、运作程序和组织原则上呈现出许多共同性。
We will research the basic method how to participate in build of the socialism harmonious society in performing procuratorial function. 结合结合检察职能,深入探讨检察工作参与社会主义和谐社会建设的基本途径。
Current criterion of proof in public prosecution that the facts of the crime are clear and the evidence is reliable and sufficient is a kind of exclusively determinate objective standard, the unscientific and unexercisable feature of which limits effective exertion of the procuratorial function. 我国现行的公诉证明标准是一种排他性的绝对确定的客观标准,其不科学性及缺乏具体操作性的缺陷制约了检察职能充分有效的发挥;
This paper states how to do inspecting discipline and procuratorial work well in college form the following five respects: improving knowledge, constructing participating mechanism, managing leading system, enhancing supervising function, and profession ′ s construction. 文章从提高认识、参与机制、领导体制、强化职能、队伍建设等五个方面论述了如何做好高校纪检监察工作。
Rational construction of the structural power has been ignored in current distribution of the procuratorial power that structural frangibility of the power emerged and resulted in the weakening of the legal provision function of the procuratorial organ in practice. 现行检察权的配置由于忽视结构性权力的合理构建,造成检察权的结构性脆弱,进而导致检察机关法律监督职能在实践中的弱化。
Procedure of criminal investigation right of procuratorial supervision of procuratorial organs on the criminal investigative activities and the activities of the decisions made by the legal supervision power, is the Constitution and the law gives the prosecution of a function. 刑事侦查程序检察监督权是检察机关对侦查机关的侦查活动及在该活动中所作出的决定是否合法进行监督的权力,是宪法和法律赋予给检察机关的一项职能。
From the analysis of Russian constitution stipulation and realistic situation, Russian procuratorial organ no longer has the function of legal supervision, its jurisdiction scope is reduced a little comparing with that in Soviet Union period, mainly carrying out the function of state public prosecution organ. 从俄罗斯宪法规定和现实状况分析,俄罗斯检察机关已不再具有法律监督职能,其管辖范围较之苏联时期有所缩小,主要履行国家公诉机关的职能。
Although the procuratorial organ has a function of legal supervision under the law, in the past judicial practice, the function of legal supervision has certain limitations to supervise the judicial organ in litigation stage, as often limit in the counterappeal form. 检察机关虽然被法律赋予了法律监督职能,但在以往的司法实践中,检察机关对审判机关的监督在提起公诉环节具有一定的局限性,往往局限于抗诉形式。
At the same time, the procuratorial committee offices, but also for the Procuratorial Committee for normal operation and function, plays an important role in. 同时,检察委员会办事机构,也为检察委员会正常运作和职能发挥,发挥了重要作用。
The procuratorial organs in the exercise of public power, accused the defendant of crime and puts forward concrete to court sentencing recommendations, the law is to fulfill its legal supervision function embodiment. 检察机关依法行使公诉权力,指控被告人的犯罪行为并向法院提出具体的量刑建议,是其依法履行其法律监督职能的体现。
This makes civil procuratorial supervision not cover procedures errors and minor entities errors for a prolonged time, and civil procuratorial supervision not function well. It is very urgent to establish and perfect the procuratorial supervision for violations in civil trial activities. 这就使得程序错误和轻微的实体错误长期置于民事检察监督的范围之外,难以充分发挥民事检察监督应有的功能和价值,也更加突显了建立和完善民事诉讼活动违法检察监督制度的紧迫性。
Procuratorial committee to ensure the operation and function of procuratorial committee members, basically is suitable for the current situation. 确保检察委员会职权运行和职能发挥的检察委员会组成人员上,基本上是适合目前情况的。
The configuration of structural power of the anti-malfeasance procuratorial authority can not meet the needs of the supervision function at present, which has a obvious defect in its structure. 目前反渎职侵权检察权的结构性权力配置难以满足监督职能的需要,在结构上存在明显缺陷。
Of procuratorial organ especially the procuratorial supervision function of its legal status more and more attention. 对检察机关尤其基层检察履行法律监督职能的状况越来越关注。
The path is clear: one is the function positioning of the procuratorial committee, the Committee as a business the decision-making mechanism, this important position decides its function is authoritative, professional and multiplicity. 具体路径是:一是明确检察委员会的职能定位,检察委员会作为业务议事决策机构,这一重要地位就决定了其职能具有权威性、专业性和多重性。
Community Correction in the specific implementation process, the departments concerned should work together, and effective interface, but also mutual supervision, procuratorial organs should give full play to its oversight function in the judicial practice, but also give people a convenient monitoring platform. 社区矫正在具体的执行过程中,各有关部门应当通力合作,有效衔接,还要互相监督,检察机关要充分发挥其在司法实务中的监督机能,同时也要给老百姓一个方便的监督平台。